Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm all a Twitter!

No I am not a twit but I am a fan of twitter for my professional development and although I am rather more a lurker and a re-tweeter, I am beginning to share my thoughts and resources with more frequency and confidence!

Recently on the VLN - my new virtual home,  I jumped into thread started by Tessa Gray called Why Twitter?  The discussion that ensued is well worth a read.

Tessa said "I've just been reading 12 Most Unexpected Ways Twitter Changed My Life and wondered, if you could do PL (professional learning) and PD (professional development) in your PJ's, what would be your 3 top reasons for using Twitter?

You can read the original article here.  12 unexpected ways Twitter changed my life

Find me on twitter at  @CatrionaPene

1 comment:

  1. I've just started a twitter account. Can you suggest any educationally valuable tweets to follow?
