Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The horror of having to present a speech in front of a real live audience.

Speeches are and probably always will be a part of our school curriculum. Along with cross country they remain one of my most dreaded primary school memories. I love the idea of students being able to share in front of a smaller group or maybe practice and then record their presentation to share. Even if they also have to share it orally to a small audience, to be able to share a practiced and pre recorded version with a larger group is empowering and in my experience requires far more reruns and practices of the speech than may be attempted by a student who is just going to (reluctantly) stand and deliver. My 13 year old practiced and practiced his speech by recording it on his iPad until it was a stunningly expressive piece. When he had to stand up in front of an audience and deliver it, this practice stood him in good stead, although the nerves still got the better of him, and I wish the teacher had given him the option to play his recorded speech to the larger group and then share it again orally with a trusted few. Taming the nerves of speaking to a live audience is one that can only improve by practice but hearing oneself recorded and seeing the audiences response to that is a powerful driver to improve. We can use a variety of online tools and apps to record ourselves.
Try Movenote - stunning to record over a slide presentation. Tutorials here
Vocaroo - online tool to record and share voice
Quickvoice iPad app
Smartvoice recorder Android
Tellagami - avatar recording app for iPad or android
Fotobabble - free online tool or iPad app - talking photos

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